Learning For Life: Why You Should Always Question What You Believe To Know

Talking business with clients and students of all ages is one of the most enjoyable and rewarding things I do. I always leave these interactions feeling energized and reflective. Energized because many are excited to talk about their future goals and career choices, and their "why." Reflective because many of their questions deal with the career path that I took to get where I am today.

One question that often comes up in various ways, shapes and forms is, “What are the key skills I need to learn to be successful in business?"

My response always includes a few key learnings or behaviors that I have applied to progress through the corporate ranks, eventually founding two successful companies. It will always include some, if not all, of the skills that I have applied for personal or professional growth.

I believe that your behaviors drive your outcomes. I believe that listening — focusing fiercely on what others are saying — is the most critical skill you can have when it comes to problem-solving or finding solutions. I believe that responding with empathy is one of the greatest tools any leader can leverage to resolve conflict, to coach effectively, to build trust and to win the hearts and engage the minds of your team. I believe that credibility is any leader’s greatest capital. These are just a few examples of the skills and traits I consider essential for success.

I recently, however, added another item to the list: You must develop an insatiable passion to never stop learning and questioning what you believe you know.

Learning is defined as “the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught.” Renowned UCLA Basketball Coach John Wooden once said, "It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts." This really resonates with me. If your job requires you to transmit knowledge to an individual or group with the specific purpose of changing their behaviors, one of the tactics that enables greater comprehension and retention is to also provide some words, thoughts or examples they can use that help them assign meaning to your message. This can come in the form of quotes, examples, stories, or personal experiences. Message + Meaning = Learning

Adding the need to develop an insatiable passion to never stop learning to my list was prompted by a situation I encountered for the first time with a new client. A situation I later learned was not so unique after all, according to several peers and friends. The scenario is simple. I was hired by a senior executive who offered me a contract to work on several top-tier projects very large in scope, with a good compensation package. Several months into the process, I noticed some tension in the relationship. The source of the tension was a higher-level senior executive, and it wasn’t clear initially who he had an ax to grind with. The point of this message has nothing to do with the client. It has everything to do with learning new things after I thought I knew it all.

1. 'Assumptions are the termites of relationships.' - Henry Winkler

I founded MalikCo. in 2002, and building client partnerships is a key pillar we leveraged to build and grow our brand. I followed my usual process to vet my prospective clients to ensure I could “add value” to their business. I assumed this process would always work based on the 21 years of results it produced. I was wrong.

Lesson Learned: Your client relationships are only as good and as strong as the relationship they have with the person paying their bills, aka their boss. I say “boss” and mean it. Leaders lead, and bosses dictate. Was this situation a result of the assumptions my client made about that relationship and I was simply caught in the crossfire? Will I revise my “checklist” to address this situation in my decision-making process? Yes! 1,000%.

2. 'Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.' - Miguel Cervantes

I have always followed that advice until this opportunity came along. When I learn a lesson, I always try to figure out what my intention was. It adds clarity and helps me to better understand the “why” behind the choices I make. The scope of this project would require me to coach 12 people in four different continents in addition to being a present wife and mother for my family. Could I accomplish this and exceed the expectations that my clients and family had of me? Yes, but only if I didn’t take on any new commitments or clients for two years.

Lesson Learned: Simple. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Every action or decision you make comes with a consequence that can be good or bad. An intention is an idea that you plan to carry out. Even the best intentions can come with a hidden or unintended consequence. Will I revise my current ways of vetting new clients and consider the consequences of that “worst-case scenario” when making decisions? Yes! 1,000%.

Knowledge or skills acquired from experience is learning. Knowledge or skills acquired by being taught — by another person or self-taught — is learning. Will the lessons I learned as a result of this new experience make me more effective, efficient and increase my capacity to excel going forward? Absolutely.

Could I have done better? Absolutely. You must always have humility and empathy in all you do and be willing to be a better version of yourself. Be clear when you are wrong and quick to give a heartfelt apology to anyone you may have affected, but also stand your ground and lead with kindness and empathy while listening to understand, not just to respond.




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